Sunday 6 January 2013

Walk, don't run...

  It was Friday, and I had an unusual amount of energy, as we had just finished a very short work week.  I found Courtney lacing up her shoe laces, about to join a group to play ultimate frisbee.  Something odd had come over me, and the idea of frisbee actually sounded appealing to me.  I decided to take advantage of this new-found enthusiamsm.  I would play frisbee too.   Ok the frisbee didn't happen.  It was cancelled cause most people were still on holidays.  But a few of us who did show up decided to go for a run.  Wasn't sure how I would fare, as the leader of the pack was a marathon runner.  Was concerned about the possibility of hurting my knees.  Started out ok - I managed to keep up.  It really wasn't very hot at all.  About 4 km into it, my knees were screaming.  Ended up walking the rest of the way back, and luckily, Courtney is a physical therapist, and can give me exercises to help strengthen different leg muscles.  That evening, my knees were screaming with every step I took.  Walking is now fine, but going down stairs is too much impact.  Still hurt.


  1. I didn't know you have knee problems? Or was it just running on concrete that hurt you?

    1. started having a few feet problems during the gym faze. A few knee probs sometimes. Not generally, but when over-worked.

  2. Awww I hope your knees will feel better soon Alice...I hope you are doing well. Miss you bunches xoxo

  3. I went for a run today, along the Gorge. Super frosty out, but lovely sunshine. This guy who looked really out of it said as I passed, to no one in particular, "I was married for 10 hours once."
