Thursday 7 March 2013

Retraction of "Long Term Syndrome"

I hereby wish to retract the following statement:

"For this reason, many of the long-term crew members - whether consciously or sub-consciously have somewhat shut themselves off from the short-term crew.  They self-preserve by grouping together - sharing life with those who will be in their life for a longer period."

It has been brought to my atttention that this indeed is a gross generalization.  The above statement should not have been attributed to long-term crew as a whole.  When I wrote the above entry, I was thinking of only a few specific individuals.  True, there may be many crew members that I do not socialize with, but that has nothing to do with whether or not they are long term.  Many of my friends who have been with the ship for an extended period of time are just as happy to hang out with a newbie as a Mercy Ship veteran.

I think the point of my previous blog post was to say that I am not sure how much emotional energy I am willing to invest.  I feel tempted to become a hermit.  (Note: I am NOT saying that long term crew are hermits.  Only me.)

Ok, now to get off this machine and go be social...