Sunday 17 March 2013

Audience particpation

So, my brain is a blank slate when it comes to blog writing.  I know that this seems silly when I am in Africa surrounded by all kinds of wonderful new things, but at the moment I don't know what you guys want to hear about.  So it would be much appreciated if you would leave a comment with suggestions of what you would like to read on this blog.  (This also includes my junior readers A.G. and J.G.)  I believe that you can comment without having a gmail account.   Thanks.  Maybe this will solve my writer's block...


  1. I want to hear about the people you have met: your shipmates and the patients in your clinic. Tell me a story!

  2. Agreed with mum, also: Local flora and fauna. Games kids play. The sounds you hear in one day, starting from when you wake up to when you go to bed. Local religious practices. The market. Traffic. Language. What you eat. Things that make you laugh.

  3. I would like to read a list of the most disgusting things you've encountered whilst on board or on land in your neck of the woods, including dead animals, please!

  4. Alice, your writing is amazing! So descriptive...makes me feel like I'm right there! I too would like to hear more about your disappearing friends...what brought them to Mercy Ships and what is next for them...and what is next for YOU too! Take us on an imaginary journey through what you have seen of Guinea painting a picture of what you have seen and heard and smelled and tasted and felt of the people and places of Conakry and environs.
    Thanks, Larry
