Sunday 9 December 2012

What to do, what to do...

     "So what do you do in your spare time?" you may ask.  After being here for a week, I have a bit more of an insight.  Essentially, this ship is our home and we can do anything we want.

  • There is an internet cafe, a  lot of common space with couches and electrical sockets, a few T.Vs in the common rooms, or you can book one of the meeting rooms to project a movie on the big screen.  There is a library where you can sign out books or DVD's.  There is also a Rosetta Stone French program available to use.  There is a Starbucks cafe on board that is open at select times during the day.  
  • Other activities available: aerobics, pilates, running group, ballet and karate for the kids, bongo drum lessons - available on a set schedule.  There are small groups that meet, but I haven't explored that yet.  
  • There are different outreaches that you can participate in such as:  the Hope Center (recovery center off ship), prison visits, orphanage visits, 'befriend-a-patient', observations of surgery etc.  
  • Then of course you can arrange a group to do any outing.  I have heard that there are some beautiful waterfalls to go to inland.  

      It is way to easy to burn youself out with all of these activities, so you have to pace yourself.  I have done a lot of lounging around this weekend.  It feels like a waste of time but I know that I have to pace my energy so that I can last for 6 months. 


  1. Interesting; how much spare time do you get? If you go on a tour then maybe you'd be able to take some photos (I assume there's no govt buildings hiding out in the waterfalls.)

  2. The dental clinic works Monday-Friday, 8ish - 3/4ish. So I get evenings and weeekends the same as I did back home.
