Saturday 8 December 2012

Photography heartbreak...

     I know you are asking why I have not yet posted any photos as I had promised.  The reason being, most photo ops are illegal here!  When I asked a fellow crew member (the first day) if there were any times when I shouldn't take pictures, the response was "just don't."  Here is why:

1) Any government building (which could be anywherre), or police, soldier or security guard is illegal
2) Many of the Guinean people here are against having their photograph taken (related to Muslim beliefs?)
They will become very offended and angry.

     Just a couple of days ago, two of the girls from the ship were arrested in a market for taking photos!  This had nothing to do with government people or buildings, but merely because it was a public place, and these girls were white westerners, so obviously they had money.  The police here are very corrupt, and it is common for them to take advantage of any given situation that you might be in, and try to bribe you upon threat of arrest.  Well these girls were arrested because they would not give up their camera!  In the end, everything worked out and the girls were released.

    Everyone on the ship that I have asked has confirmed this bad news.

    At first, the heartbreak hit me hard.  Sooooo many things to photograph, and not being allowed!  I have quickly realized that it is probably good that I cannot pull out my camera at every turn, because if I did, I would never get anywhere!  I would spend an hour walking a city block (I know you are snickering).

    For now, I will take to my paparazzi position on the ship deck.  There isn't too much around aside from storage containers, trucks and ships, but at least that gives me something to shoot.  As I adjust into the groove, I will get a better feel for when is and is not appropriate to bring out a camera.

    Thieves are also another concern.  If you don't want your valuables stolen, it is best that you not reveal them.  I want to design a covert hidden camera purse!

    In time, maybe I will just begin to ask people if I can take their photo.  I know that this is the polite thing that any sensible person would do, but I have taken to random candid travel pics with no regard for permission.  I guess I am the rude one.

    The silver lining to this cloud is that without my camera, I am free to actually absorb all of my surroundings.  My senses are free to see, hear, smell and feel the life passing by around me.  I believe that I will have to be posting mainly word pictures now, (this will exercise my literary biceps).   (Help Liz!)


  1. Could you get someone to take a photo of YOU on the ship? Or in front of the ship where it says "Africa Mercy"? I'd like to see a pic of you in your scrubs or with other members of the team (on your ship of course).

  2. Haha ohhh this is sad! And I bet there are street dogs galore too! But yes, you will probably have a fuller experience in a different way. Good thing I got you that sketchbook, right? Though they say a picture's worth a thousand words, I've found that the thousand words do far more to convey a feeling than a picture ever could, so keep at it!
