Friday 30 November 2012

No adventure would be complete...

I can only ever remember packing for trips at the last minute.  Procrastination.  My boss has been asking me for weeks whether I had begun to pack.  I jokingly scoffed.  Of course not.  Why would I spread the packing stress out over multiple weeks, when I could cram it all into one day?  Add 4 cups of coffee, and you have the most entertaining real life version of Tetris - frantically fitting the odd-shaped pieces one by one efficiently into their places in the backpack before the next item descends.  It is the perfect recipe for creating a bit of pre-departure adrenaline.  This tradition helps set the tone for my travels.   It is 4:17 am, haven't slept yet, and my dad will be coming to 'wake' me in less than 15 minutes.  I love my sleep, but I think that I would rather not sleep until I get on the plane, rather than have a couple hours of sleep and feel like a wreck when I wake up.  Not sure what caused me to stay up for 21 hours (and counting).  It must be procrastination.  Still have a bit more to pack...

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