Friday 30 November 2012

I'm a real live blogger!

So I didn't sleep last night, and then I took my malaria pill on an empty stomach.  Normally I do not heed these warnings found on prescription bottles.  Be warned, they are there for a reason.  Whatever is in those potent blue capsules will give your gut a real shock if you have not just eaten.  Recovered.  Whewww!
Time zones fly by.  It is actually 5:30? here in Montreal but my laptop reports that it is only 2:30 back in Victoria.  I must have got the right idea to skip last night's sleep, because after an hour nap on the plane, I feel rested, but tired enough that my sleeping patterns are already convinced that it is night.  I this trans-Atlantic plane sleep should be a breeze.  I have never travelled with a laptop before.  This is the good life!  Camped out on a comfy seat with a horrendously-overpriced salad (my stomach can handle it) and trusty lifeline to the world (no matter how slow it is).  Well, maybe I will post an update once I get to Brussels.
Until then.....


  1. Sorry I missed your call Thursday night - wanted to wish you all the best and God speed but can do it this way even if it's a mite late
    Love "G"

  2. Glad you didn't vomit.

