Wednesday 25 December 2013

The seed that was planted...

  Hello one and all!  I have been silent for about 6 months, but now as I prepare to leave Canada and start my next Mercy Ships adventure, I remember those good 'ol blogging sessions.  Time to warm up my blogging voice (my 'bl-oice'). 
  The other day as I sorted through a dusty box of ancient papers, I fell upon the original article that first sparked my interest in Mercy Ships.  In 2007, Brio Magazine published an article about two girls who lived aboard on of the old Mercy Ships (The Caribbean Mercy).  Their tale of life on this hospital vessel intrigued me, and sparked a desire to one day serve with the ship.  I am so glad that I did hold on to this article.  Now I can share it with all of you.   (I hope that this format is somewhat readable to the average person.) 
